Monday, June 29, 2009

Fallout 3, Pirates, and Walery's Pizza...

Two out of three of those were ACTUALLY today.

Today my family went out for a "family afternoon". It ended up being a pointless four-hour cruise around Salem. My dad asked if there was something we hadn't done in a while that we wanted to do. The only reply I could think of was, "In Salem???"

But in the end I got a small frosty out of the ordeal.

After that we went to Walery's Pizza for dinner. Highlight of my life. Seriously, it is a highlight of my life every time I enter that fine establishment.

After that, finally saw my dad's massage office and the guy he shares the rent with.

Finally, I came home and played "Fallout 3" for about 3 hours. Geez, I seriously have no life. But it's okay. I could bomb post-apocalyptic super mutants with mini nukes all day.

Goodness, I sound like such a NERD!

Anyhoo... tonight we're seeing "Me, Myself and Irene" and then tomorrow we're going to watch the "Pirates of the Caribbean" movies in order. I am currently mentally preparing myself for that 8+ hour ordeal.

I sincerely hope to eat more pizza tomorrow. With lots and LOTS of pepperoni!!! (Apologies to Hannah and all other herbivores out there)

Saturday, June 27, 2009


Was amazing. Again. I love that city.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

To all of those INGRATES who believe professional sports are a waste of time and money...

Don't be fooled, good citizens of this country, brothers and sisters in watching the ever-unfolding drama that is professional sports. These naysayers do put up a convincing argument. Some say that spending millions of dollars on the salary of a single athlete is criminal, or that sports is for people too irresponsible to live a purposeful life or is too wasteful in a time of economic crisis.

Ha...economic crisis...

What economic crisis?

Just last night I went to a Seattle Mariners game. It was my first major league baseball game ever, and I was excited to go, even though my family (consisting of my sister, who didn't care about the game, my mother, who had no clue what happened on any given play, and my father, with whom I regularly go to Salem-Keizer Volcanoes games) was feeling so free as to buy seats in level...



The story of getting to the game was even better.

We planned on taking the car and using our GPS to find Safeco Field. As we walk out to the car, my dad makes a crack about having a flat tire. I reach the other side of the car and realize that his joke suddenly wasn't so funny. With less than an hour until the game, we caught a bus to the stadium and proceeded to walk in on the first inning.

So I was saying...

As I watched the game, I began to smell an odor. At first it was a faint, sweet smell and eventually became what will forever be my vision of the smell of Safeco Field.


At Mariners games, the concessions stands sell garlic fries called "rally fries". Apparently, they are a popular menu item.

Just about every other person had a tray full of them.

The tray: six dollars.

Now, a capacity crowd at Safeco Field is 47,116 people. You do the math.

Or rather, I'll do it for you.

If every other person in the crowd bought ONLY one tray of "Rally Fries" and nothing else the whole game, the income gathered would be $141,348.

Rally Fries.


That doesn't count often multiple beers per person for the drinkers, and the soda, ballpark dogs, pizza and what not.

$141,348 in one night.

With 81 home games a year, that amounts to $11,449,188 a year.

The cheapest tickets to a home game are around $15. Even charging $15 a person for the whole stadium (let's not even get into box seats, different levels, executive suites...e.t.c...) at capacity Safeco Field would bring in $706,740 a game.

$57,245,940 a season.

Charging the minimum price for the whole of a capacity crowd.

Point in case: people are still spending money on professional sports teams. A LOT of money.

So much, in fact, that professional sports is one of the only reasons that this economy of ours survives today.

But more importantly...

Bottom of the eight, Mariners need a run in order to be up going into the last inning. With two outs, a lone run gets belted over the back wall of Safeco Field. The stands erupted.

In truth, what the American people need the most right now is not the most stable economy in the world.

No, as a country of optimism, progressivism and mixed cultures, there is but one thing we need:

Somebody to cheer for.

Monday, May 4, 2009

It's been so long...

I haven't posted in forever.
First, an update.

My Blazers lost the first round of the playoffs 4 games to 2, and school has been boring.
Choir took a close third in districts, and is going to State on Saturday.

But most importantly...

I have a new band page for my actual band.

We have pictures (minus one guitarist who was sick) and we just uploaded a song last night.

Anyhoo...that's all I have for you tonight.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Science Project Video

I made this video with my pardners for science.

I composed the music, narrated, acted, wrote the script, filmed, and yes, I know I used the chords to "Your Grace Is Enough" on the ending, but I thought the music fit.

p.s. I was just promoted today to a speaking role in the Shakespeare show.

Melody and Harmony...

Awesome story.

I was writing a song called "Melody and Harmony". I had a chorus, but no verses to fit it.
Just the night before last night I found words and music for a verse, but had no words for a second.

Just yesterday Mr. Taylor spotted me playing guitar in the commons. He asked me if I was playing originals or covers, and I replied that I was playing originals, because I was.

He told me good, and that I had fifteen minutes to write a song.

So I took the opportunity to finish it.

And I did.

Still haven't showed it to him, but just today at lunch I was in the choir room, bored.

So I wrote out a kind of choral 3-part arrangement of the chorus for 6-7 mixed voices.

I pulled together a few random people who were in the choir room, taught it to them and we sang.

It's just a testament to how amazing McNary is.

They had it learned and sounding awesome in 10 minutes.

We performed for the people who were coming in for jazz choir.

They loved it.

Needless to say, I will be studying up on how to mic a 6-7 voice group.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Spring Break...

Has been interesting.

Kind of.

Monday through Wednesday I did absolutely nothing except for worship team practice Wednesday evening and jamming with my buddy David on Tuesday.

I got grounded from the computer on Tuesday because I had to go record a song for a friend and post it, thus exceeding the time I was supposed to be on the computer.

Funny story.

The friend's status on facebook is "I'll dance in a field of daisies with you anyday."
So I message her, asking her to go dance in a field of daisies with me.
She says to qualify to dance in a field of daises with her, one must write her a song, and so far only one person had qualified.
So I wrote her a one minute song.
Kind of a John Mayer kind of a song.

It's on my MySpace band page at

Wednesday was the one year anniversary of me getting my first girlfriend.

Weird stuff, I know.

But it was interesting because I've gotten better at choosing them as time goes on.

All three of 'em.


Anyhoo, my mom got me four books at Borders, so I'll have more reading material.
One's a Robert Ludlum, so that's good.

And I went to Silver Falls to hike and take pics.

They're on my myspace and facebook.

Tonight I play at an open mic night, at (I believe) the Blue Pepper.

Tomorrow I have a gig with my buddy David for a spanish church.

Sunday I have worship team.

Monday I'm back into the grind.

Talk to you all soon.

Friday, March 20, 2009


I love McNary. I love concert choir. I love it, love it, love it.

So we're at the "advanced choir festival" at Sprague. It was really awesome.

To begin with, McKay, North and West go up and perform.

We clap politely at the end of each song. We sit high on the creaking wooden benches, awaiting our chance to perform.

Sprague gets on the risers. As soon as the choir collectively let out a single noise, I knew why they are considered the state powerhouse. Their choir is a freak of nature. An AMAZING freak of nature, but a freak of nature nonetheless.

I feel a bit disheartened as we walk onstage. I've seen it all before. The director gets excited, the choir gets pumped up, and you get that good tingly feeling until you sing your first note, and then you realize that it won't be the concert you were dreaming about, but the concert you would come to expect from a choir that doesn't care.

I didn't even have the chance for the tingly feeling.

Halfway onto the risers, one of the risers came unhooked and we had to fix it.

We kept our composure.

We all make it on, and Mr. Taylor reminds everyone that tonight was the night to show everyone what we're made of, what we can do.

He gives us the countdown.




To my surprise, our feet all come apart and land at the same time, no one forgetting the direction in which they were supposed to step.

And then he raised his hands.

I almost winced as time seemed to freeze. I thought it would be same old, same old.

We were about to be embarrassed by last year's second best choir in the state.

But I was wrong.

To my surprise, the sound that escaped our choir was not one of horror, but one sent from heaven itself.

I was even more surprised as I looked around, and saw that all around me, faces were forming and bodies were moving.

We weren't just singing.

We were making music.

In the end, we got the loudest, longest most enthusiastic ovation of the night.
We stood and waited.
And waited.
And waited.

The applause continued.

As the applause begin to die down, our director signaled for us to exit.

They didn't stop clapping until our second row in a choir of 112 had exited.

That's 51 people.

We lived it up that night.

Dr. Long of Willamette University said to us as we went to sit back down, "you guys just hit a home run, you hit it out of the park!"

Today in choir, we had to come to a decision.

A choice.

An ultimatum.

For long enough we would sit idly by, going through the motions but never really giving our all.
No more.
Now we had to choose:
Will we be the choir that takes third at State every year because we are insanely talented and we'd rather not work, or will we be the choir who wants it the most, who needs it the most, who will do whatever they have to do in order to achieve the next level musically?

It was our choice.

And my feeling is that we picked the right answer.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Worship Team Today...

Was amazing. We had a good set, and J.P. actually allowed himself to be spontaneous for once.
I dread tomorrow, when I go back to school. but I'm looking forward to 3/4 periods of the day, so that's good!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

True Story...

So just now my mom askes me this question from the living room:

"Why does it say, 'unplayable disc?'"

I answer, "Well, mother let's see."

I proceed to open the console to look inside at a PS3 game...

I say, "Mother, you're attempting to play a PS3 game."

She says, "so?"

I say, "You're playing an Xbox 360."

The band...

is really coming along. Today we added a bass player.
She rocked.
I am seriously so excited for the prospects for the future.
We shall see...

Friday, March 13, 2009


That's about all I could say after seeing "All My Sons". Oh. My. GOSH.

Seeing this show reminded me why I decided to go to McNary.

For those of you who don't know, I had the option of going to either McNary or South.

Both had advantages.


Had a lot of my friends

Had a great music program

Was connected to Howard Street

Does well academically


Was closer to home

Had a choir director who's gone FAR in showbiz

The ability to go straight to the top choir

An experienced director

The opportunity to be in the top choir immediately

One of the best Drama departments in the city

I chose McNary.

And I was rewarded.

Sorry all ye South people,

what happens on the Ken Collins stage,

what happens in our choir room,

what happens in our ensemble room,

in the halls,

in the classrooms,

the opportunities I have I would not have at South.

I love my school.
And I can honestly say that.
I mean it.
Not many people can.
McNary has given me so much in a semester and a half.
I plan to return the investment in full.

I love this school.

"These private little revolutions always die."

Dr. Jim Bayless,
Arthur Miller's, "All My Sons"

Monday, March 9, 2009

McNary's (Almost) Spring Choir Concert...

Was great. I felt we did really awesomely.
Concert Choir tomorrow, and I start Intramural B-Ball tomorrow as well.
Planning another jam session for Friday.
Can't wait.

Friday, March 6, 2009

So Sad...

McNary guys lose and get knocked out of the playoffs, the girls lost by two to the only undefeated team in the State during the semifinals by TWO POINTS.

So sad...

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Rolling, Rolling, Rolling... the McNary Celts Basketball program. The Lady Celts play tomorrow at 12 p.m. in Portland in the quarterfinals at the state tournament. The Guys play the second round of the playoffs Friday at 7 at McNary, having won tonight by nine points in overtime.

I may play in the band for said game, if only to bring back memories of being in band.

Music night was productive, but not as good as last week.

The suspense is such that I'm on the edge of my seat.

Monday, March 2, 2009


So I bought a belt yesterday. It was a Swiss Army belt, so I figured it would hold. It broke an hour after I bought it.

So I returned it.

And I got a hat.

I'm going to wear a hat now, guys.

All Jason Mraz "I'm Yours" style.

But it's not straw.


I've decided Hannah has to do the graphics for my c.d. cover.

Yes, Hannah, I just put that on my blog.

All 3 of my readers care very deeply...

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Playoffs Round Two...

The Lady Celts have done it again! In a stunning 50-47 victory, McNary defeated the Tigard Tigers to advance to the State tournament for the first time ever. The guys play on Tuesday at 7 p.m. at what's likely to be a sold-out game.

Choir had ANOTHER good rehearsal on Friday.

Life is amazing.

Friday, February 27, 2009


I got grounded from the computer because I refused to get I've been gone the last couple of days. Anyhoo, good news is that I wrote and recorded a new song, which I've officially posted on Myspace at

That night I spent an hour talking to Hannah, and it was great having a conversation with someone who uses more than three words in a sentence, and occasionally uses words I have to think about to actually understand them. Quite refreshing.

Last night, McNary's guy's basketball team clinched the league title, and I believe this is the first time in school history the guys and girls were league champs at the same time.

Wrestling came in second at districts, but the individual wrestlers who qualified for state are wrestling as I write this, and I wish them the best of luck. We already have people in the semi-finals.

Tonight's the second round of the playoffs for the girls, who had a bye for the first week, being league champs and all, so I'm going to go root for them tonight. If they win, they continue on to the quarters, semis, and finally the finals, if they continue to win.

The guys play Tuesday.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Tuesday Music Night...

Jaw dropper. We got to rehearse mixed, and we were almost always a cappella. Our small group of what must have been no more than 80 sounded AMAZING. These are the nights I get really pumped for what we do at McNary. Concert Choir is amazing.

McNary won tonight. One more game 'till both the guys and the girls take the CVC titles. (the girls already did)

Monday, February 23, 2009


was the most amazing choir I've EVER listened to!!!
I seriously can't believe it.
I'm literally speechless...

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Living Life...

One day at a time.

Yesterday was family game night, and I got schooled at Monopoly by my cousin.

Today I go up to Portland for the Concordia concert. This excites me tremendously.

People tell me the music was really good in sunday school. I simply gag, smile and say, "thank you." Uggh. It really didn't go so well.

Anyhoo, concert March 9th at a yet undecided location. Everyone (who I can only confirm to be all of two people right now) should come! (the fact that one of those people lives in Central California does not help at ALL!)

Okay, so as nobody guessed, my next blog will be a new piece, and I'll reveal the piece which was on top of my blog.

Friday, February 20, 2009

I'm So Excited...

For Sunday. I get to go to a Concordia Choir concert in Portland, directed by René Clausen. I listened to a recording of them online. They sound AMAZING!!! I simply can't wait.

I'm also excited because our choir was sounding really good after Doctor Long from Willamette University came in and worked with us. We really actually sounded like a choir. I can't wait.
I really can't.

p.s. time is running out to guess which piece is on the top. *HINT* (It's the first movement of a 3-movement sonata by Beethoven)

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Family Update...

Well...I got some news today. My grandfather is in the hospital. (again...) and this time he's retaining fluids. Basically they aren't giving him long and are putting him on hospice.
This makes me think.

I never much knew the man.

Part of this is that he was half delusional when I was born anyway.

But if I had...

What would he have been like?

What experiences would he have shared with me and what more could I have learned from him.

I've only gotten glimpses, and now I might never know.

Heavy stuff...

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Never EVER... full speed into a wall. Wooden or otherwise. Stupid.
Don't do it.

And stay in school.

Don't do drugs.

Well today was yet another example of why our choir will place 3rd at state at best. As good as we sound, we haven't yet crossed the line where we convey the emotion of the song to the audience. *sigh* I really wish they would listen to Mr. Taylor. *SIGH* Allright, if I keep this up, I'm going to get depressed over my choir, so tata untill tomorrow.

And you're all running out of time to guess the first piece of music.

Monday, February 16, 2009

These Are Good Days to Be A Blazer...

A game-high 31 minutes of play, 14 points, 6 for 7 shooting, five rebounds, five assists.
Who could this be, other than Brandon Roy in the All-Star Game?

Rudy Fernandez was spectacular in the slam dunk contest, pulling off more technically difficuly dunks than the rest of the crew, and making it look easy the whole time. Too bad he was robbed of moving on to the second round. Sadly, it took him too many attempts to pull off his second spectacular dunk.

Greg Oden was scheduled to play in the Rookie game, but he was unfortunately injured in a game on Thursday. These are the mosy players the Blazers have sent to All-Star weekend in a long time.

The team itself is doing well. 32-20 at the break, they're second in the division and fourth in the conference, putting them at 7th in the NBA. There's a very good chance of making the playoffs this year, and it's exciting.

Steve Blake should be near 100% back to health for Wednesday's game.

It's so exciting!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

The Weekend Continues...

And I want it to be over already. Go figure.

Well...Valentine's Day/Oregon's Birthday went uneventfully and I had no creepy stalkers propose to me. The one thing that happened is we went downtown to see Pink Panther 2, and (in this order) I saw Edgar, Rie, and Kendra Chica. Cool beans.

Today went well, as the worship team rocked out even without an electric guitarist.
I've pretty much decided that my first album will be named "Matters of the Heart".
I had a bunch of annoying middle school girls at my house. They're breaking things as we spek.

Tomorrow I get (get?) to go to Portland, and I get to go eat amazing quesadillas (good) and spend all day with one family that doesn't particularly stimulate me (bad).

So if you're bored, let's talk...

I'm bored, too.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

My Plan...

Is to change the top piece of music on my blog every week, and I'm going to get a little competition going. I will post sheet music, minus composer and title. You then get to guess what piece it is. Extra points if you guess the composer. Literally extra points. I will keep a running tally week to week and post the tally week to week when I change the image. The person who has the most points at the end of a year gets a token of my appreciation...even if I have to mail it across the world to you. Point values will double if I pick a particularly obscure piece.
BEWARE: I will pick things ranging from classical to pop to jazz to orchestral to movie music to even Disney. So help me out...leave a comment with your guess and full name. Start...NOW!

Memoirs of a Directory-Chucker

So my school's choir, as mentioned in my previous post, is getting Keizer directories out to the city of Keizer as a fundraiser. (we do the job, we get the money) Today is round two. We work in two-partner teams, and last time my partner and I covered about half our route 9 hours. We finish today. I'm still a tad sick, so this will be interesting. So there is this one story I wish to share before embarking on my not-so-epic quest.

We were in a well-to do cul-de-sac dropping off these directory packages which look suspicously like the junkmail we all love to hate, and I come across a place with a "no soliciting" sign. They had two very small, very angry little dogs barking in the window. I kind of chucked the directoy and ran. (The dogs and the no soliciting sign combined gave me the creeps)
Sure enough, I'm halfway to the next house when I hear a doorknob turn, a door creak, and an angry lady comes out of the house, unleashing one of her dogs. She screams at me that there's a reason that they have a "no soliciting" sign. To which I politely respond that we're doing city business. After that, her dog's running around wildly, and she tries in vain to bring the dog back in, obviously embarrassed she was foolish enough to impede my oh-so-important work.

I got really good at throwing directories. There was a point where my partner needed another directory to finish her side of the street, so I threw one in a perfect arc that landed at her feet.
I was feeling pretty good about myself.

One more before I go. Cassidy (my partner) and I both fought to deliver to this HUGE awesome looking house. She was driving, so I beat her to it, but she then forced me to deliver to the house with the large pitbull in the front yard. I proceeded to chuck that sucker right over the pitbull's head, and hit the door really hard. By the time I got back to the car, Cassidy had the car moving and I jumped in exclaiming, "Drive, Starsky!!!"

The owner of the nice house drove past us into his driveway right on cue as I jumped into the car.

Good times...

Friday, February 13, 2009

In The Beginning...

This is interesting. It's my first time blogging on here (thank you, Hannah for the wonderful idea) and it makes me wonder something.

What is it everyone likes so much about a new beginning?

Is it the fact that it's a clean start?
Or maybe the feeling of having another chance at something.
It's possible that it's the sense of adventure that is always at the beginning of a journey.

That's what this blog is going to be; a journey.

I plan to discover myself and who I really am by what I write.

For those of you who are still confused, here's the basic idea:

1) I write what I'm up to, what I'm feeling, what's been going on.
2) I read it all over later on when I've lived longer.
3) I realize things about myself I never would have realized in the moment back then.

So hopefully this blog will become for me the place to go to for me to simply write when I have no desire, inspiration or need to write music. There's something about the written word as compared to music that is special. Maybe it's the fact that I would DIE if I had to turn this blog into a song with words. That would not be fun.

So in short, I've taken more time than I probably should.

I'm still sick and I should probably go rest.

And if my url looks funny to you, don't laugh.

It was 11 o'clock at night and I had a fever when I was creating the blog.

Go figure.

Anyhoo, talk to y'all soon. Which is funny, because as of right now, no one's read this blog.
Because I haven't posted it yet, and there are no other posts.

Well, here goes...

"Dance like no one's watching, eat like you never have before, love like no one's ever hurt you."
-My man, David Vasquez