Friday, February 13, 2009

In The Beginning...

This is interesting. It's my first time blogging on here (thank you, Hannah for the wonderful idea) and it makes me wonder something.

What is it everyone likes so much about a new beginning?

Is it the fact that it's a clean start?
Or maybe the feeling of having another chance at something.
It's possible that it's the sense of adventure that is always at the beginning of a journey.

That's what this blog is going to be; a journey.

I plan to discover myself and who I really am by what I write.

For those of you who are still confused, here's the basic idea:

1) I write what I'm up to, what I'm feeling, what's been going on.
2) I read it all over later on when I've lived longer.
3) I realize things about myself I never would have realized in the moment back then.

So hopefully this blog will become for me the place to go to for me to simply write when I have no desire, inspiration or need to write music. There's something about the written word as compared to music that is special. Maybe it's the fact that I would DIE if I had to turn this blog into a song with words. That would not be fun.

So in short, I've taken more time than I probably should.

I'm still sick and I should probably go rest.

And if my url looks funny to you, don't laugh.

It was 11 o'clock at night and I had a fever when I was creating the blog.

Go figure.

Anyhoo, talk to y'all soon. Which is funny, because as of right now, no one's read this blog.
Because I haven't posted it yet, and there are no other posts.

Well, here goes...

"Dance like no one's watching, eat like you never have before, love like no one's ever hurt you."
-My man, David Vasquez

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