Friday, March 13, 2009


That's about all I could say after seeing "All My Sons". Oh. My. GOSH.

Seeing this show reminded me why I decided to go to McNary.

For those of you who don't know, I had the option of going to either McNary or South.

Both had advantages.


Had a lot of my friends

Had a great music program

Was connected to Howard Street

Does well academically


Was closer to home

Had a choir director who's gone FAR in showbiz

The ability to go straight to the top choir

An experienced director

The opportunity to be in the top choir immediately

One of the best Drama departments in the city

I chose McNary.

And I was rewarded.

Sorry all ye South people,

what happens on the Ken Collins stage,

what happens in our choir room,

what happens in our ensemble room,

in the halls,

in the classrooms,

the opportunities I have I would not have at South.

I love my school.
And I can honestly say that.
I mean it.
Not many people can.
McNary has given me so much in a semester and a half.
I plan to return the investment in full.

I love this school.

"These private little revolutions always die."

Dr. Jim Bayless,
Arthur Miller's, "All My Sons"

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