Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Never EVER...

...run full speed into a wall. Wooden or otherwise. Stupid.
Don't do it.

And stay in school.

Don't do drugs.

Well today was yet another example of why our choir will place 3rd at state at best. As good as we sound, we haven't yet crossed the line where we convey the emotion of the song to the audience. *sigh* I really wish they would listen to Mr. Taylor. *SIGH* Allright, if I keep this up, I'm going to get depressed over my choir, so tata untill tomorrow.

And you're all running out of time to guess the first piece of music.

1 comment:

  1. Well, what are we suppose to guess? Hakuna Matata???
    Well, then, I guess Hakuna Matata!
    It's totally wrong - but at least I'm guessing..sorta. >.<
