Friday, March 27, 2009

Spring Break...

Has been interesting.

Kind of.

Monday through Wednesday I did absolutely nothing except for worship team practice Wednesday evening and jamming with my buddy David on Tuesday.

I got grounded from the computer on Tuesday because I had to go record a song for a friend and post it, thus exceeding the time I was supposed to be on the computer.

Funny story.

The friend's status on facebook is "I'll dance in a field of daisies with you anyday."
So I message her, asking her to go dance in a field of daisies with me.
She says to qualify to dance in a field of daises with her, one must write her a song, and so far only one person had qualified.
So I wrote her a one minute song.
Kind of a John Mayer kind of a song.

It's on my MySpace band page at

Wednesday was the one year anniversary of me getting my first girlfriend.

Weird stuff, I know.

But it was interesting because I've gotten better at choosing them as time goes on.

All three of 'em.


Anyhoo, my mom got me four books at Borders, so I'll have more reading material.
One's a Robert Ludlum, so that's good.

And I went to Silver Falls to hike and take pics.

They're on my myspace and facebook.

Tonight I play at an open mic night, at (I believe) the Blue Pepper.

Tomorrow I have a gig with my buddy David for a spanish church.

Sunday I have worship team.

Monday I'm back into the grind.

Talk to you all soon.

Friday, March 20, 2009


I love McNary. I love concert choir. I love it, love it, love it.

So we're at the "advanced choir festival" at Sprague. It was really awesome.

To begin with, McKay, North and West go up and perform.

We clap politely at the end of each song. We sit high on the creaking wooden benches, awaiting our chance to perform.

Sprague gets on the risers. As soon as the choir collectively let out a single noise, I knew why they are considered the state powerhouse. Their choir is a freak of nature. An AMAZING freak of nature, but a freak of nature nonetheless.

I feel a bit disheartened as we walk onstage. I've seen it all before. The director gets excited, the choir gets pumped up, and you get that good tingly feeling until you sing your first note, and then you realize that it won't be the concert you were dreaming about, but the concert you would come to expect from a choir that doesn't care.

I didn't even have the chance for the tingly feeling.

Halfway onto the risers, one of the risers came unhooked and we had to fix it.

We kept our composure.

We all make it on, and Mr. Taylor reminds everyone that tonight was the night to show everyone what we're made of, what we can do.

He gives us the countdown.




To my surprise, our feet all come apart and land at the same time, no one forgetting the direction in which they were supposed to step.

And then he raised his hands.

I almost winced as time seemed to freeze. I thought it would be same old, same old.

We were about to be embarrassed by last year's second best choir in the state.

But I was wrong.

To my surprise, the sound that escaped our choir was not one of horror, but one sent from heaven itself.

I was even more surprised as I looked around, and saw that all around me, faces were forming and bodies were moving.

We weren't just singing.

We were making music.

In the end, we got the loudest, longest most enthusiastic ovation of the night.
We stood and waited.
And waited.
And waited.

The applause continued.

As the applause begin to die down, our director signaled for us to exit.

They didn't stop clapping until our second row in a choir of 112 had exited.

That's 51 people.

We lived it up that night.

Dr. Long of Willamette University said to us as we went to sit back down, "you guys just hit a home run, you hit it out of the park!"

Today in choir, we had to come to a decision.

A choice.

An ultimatum.

For long enough we would sit idly by, going through the motions but never really giving our all.
No more.
Now we had to choose:
Will we be the choir that takes third at State every year because we are insanely talented and we'd rather not work, or will we be the choir who wants it the most, who needs it the most, who will do whatever they have to do in order to achieve the next level musically?

It was our choice.

And my feeling is that we picked the right answer.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Worship Team Today...

Was amazing. We had a good set, and J.P. actually allowed himself to be spontaneous for once.
I dread tomorrow, when I go back to school. but I'm looking forward to 3/4 periods of the day, so that's good!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

True Story...

So just now my mom askes me this question from the living room:

"Why does it say, 'unplayable disc?'"

I answer, "Well, mother let's see."

I proceed to open the console to look inside at a PS3 game...

I say, "Mother, you're attempting to play a PS3 game."

She says, "so?"

I say, "You're playing an Xbox 360."

The band...

is really coming along. Today we added a bass player.
She rocked.
I am seriously so excited for the prospects for the future.
We shall see...

Friday, March 13, 2009


That's about all I could say after seeing "All My Sons". Oh. My. GOSH.

Seeing this show reminded me why I decided to go to McNary.

For those of you who don't know, I had the option of going to either McNary or South.

Both had advantages.


Had a lot of my friends

Had a great music program

Was connected to Howard Street

Does well academically


Was closer to home

Had a choir director who's gone FAR in showbiz

The ability to go straight to the top choir

An experienced director

The opportunity to be in the top choir immediately

One of the best Drama departments in the city

I chose McNary.

And I was rewarded.

Sorry all ye South people,

what happens on the Ken Collins stage,

what happens in our choir room,

what happens in our ensemble room,

in the halls,

in the classrooms,

the opportunities I have I would not have at South.

I love my school.
And I can honestly say that.
I mean it.
Not many people can.
McNary has given me so much in a semester and a half.
I plan to return the investment in full.

I love this school.

"These private little revolutions always die."

Dr. Jim Bayless,
Arthur Miller's, "All My Sons"

Monday, March 9, 2009

McNary's (Almost) Spring Choir Concert...

Was great. I felt we did really awesomely.
Concert Choir tomorrow, and I start Intramural B-Ball tomorrow as well.
Planning another jam session for Friday.
Can't wait.

Friday, March 6, 2009

So Sad...

McNary guys lose and get knocked out of the playoffs, the girls lost by two to the only undefeated team in the State during the semifinals by TWO POINTS.

So sad...

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Rolling, Rolling, Rolling... the McNary Celts Basketball program. The Lady Celts play tomorrow at 12 p.m. in Portland in the quarterfinals at the state tournament. The Guys play the second round of the playoffs Friday at 7 at McNary, having won tonight by nine points in overtime.

I may play in the band for said game, if only to bring back memories of being in band.

Music night was productive, but not as good as last week.

The suspense is such that I'm on the edge of my seat.

Monday, March 2, 2009


So I bought a belt yesterday. It was a Swiss Army belt, so I figured it would hold. It broke an hour after I bought it.

So I returned it.

And I got a hat.

I'm going to wear a hat now, guys.

All Jason Mraz "I'm Yours" style.

But it's not straw.


I've decided Hannah has to do the graphics for my c.d. cover.

Yes, Hannah, I just put that on my blog.

All 3 of my readers care very deeply...